Wednesday, January 7, 2009

What to do?

Chat application blocked. Facebook blocked. Multiply blocked. Lottery sites blocked. Chat-in email application blocked! Download a calender from some application site- blocked too! Internet banking also blocked! Newpaper sites require Flash are all blocked. Chinese input-disabled. My igoogle page seems not properly showing up as if it is going dead

The CHAT thing is required to survive through a dry and probable sleepy afternoon. A "-Hi-" message would have keep me going for hours and it is definately better than caffeine which may help to get through the long days. Now I am suffering, undergoing a rehabiliation therapy by force.

I ask for more jobs, I visit other department, I frequent toilet and pantry when Zhou comes. I do survive after 3 months of vegie internet.

Luckily Blogger is not blocked for the time being!

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